Speech Pathology

Helping Your Child Find Their Voice

Communication is an essential pillar in your child's development. It's the cornerstone of how they express their needs, share their thoughts, and interact with the people and world around them. Well-nurtured communication skills in early childhood lay the foundation for academic success, social relationships, and self-expression. Some children may struggle with aspects of communication and speech, which can significantly impact their development. That's where a dedicated and passionate speech pathologist like Helen comes in. With a mission to "empower children to find their voice", Helen's work plays an instrumental role in guiding children to develop the communication skills they need to flourish.

The Importance of Early Language Support​

Early language support plays a pivotal role in your child's development, establishing the groundwork for all future communication. From the moment they are born, children start learning about language. First, they learn through sounds, then words, and then sentences. When early language development is nurtured, it enhances a child's cognitive skills, supports their ability to form relationships, and furthers their academic progress.​

With her expertise in early language support, Helen is both understanding and committed to aiding children who may be struggling with those initial foundations of speech. She recognises that each child's language development journey is unique and requires personalised support. Under her guidance, children learn at their own pace, cultivating their language and communication skills in a robust and supportive environment. This tailored approach not only empowers children in their communication abilities but also fosters self-esteem, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment.​

Support for Children With Autism (ASD)​

Children with autism often face distinct communication challenges that can vary greatly from one child to the next. These can manifest as difficulties in verbal communication, trouble understanding non-verbal cues, and/or struggles with social interactions. For instance, a child may find it challenging to maintain a conversation or may repeat certain phrases and words. They might take things literally, finding it hard to understand jokes, sarcasm, or idioms. Non-verbal signals such as facial expressions, body language, or eye contact can also be challenging to interpret.

Helen is profoundly experienced in managing these unique challenges, using a variety of evidence-based strategies to facilitate communication, encourage speech, and improve social skills. By tailoring her approach to suit each child's unique needs, Helen helps them overcome communication barriers. She utilises Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), a method that employs various techniques and tools to help individuals express their thoughts, needs, and ideas when they struggle with verbal expression. This can include everything from picture boards to speech-generating devices.

Speech Pathologist, Helen Hauschild, is part of the 8 Senses Team

Meet Helen - Your Dedicated & Experienced Speech Pathologist

Helen embarked on her professional journey in 2015, where her passion and dedication grew to provide the best approach to speech therapy. She balances her role as a speech pathologist perfectly with her role as a mother to her two wonderful children, aged two and four.

What drew Helen to speech pathology was her love for working closely with children and their families to foster and enhance their communication skills. Helen has a particular interest in providing early language support and aiding autistic children; guiding them and their families in utilising AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) effectively.

Her goal is to equip all of her clients with the confidence, optimism, and techniques required to become proficient communicators, whether it's through verbal speech, AAC, or other non-verbal communication methods. Her dedication, expertise, and warm, approachable character make Helen a truly valuable asset to our team and your child's growth.


Helen brings a wealth of qualifications and expertise to her role. She obtained a comprehensive understanding and practical skills through her Bachelor of Speech Pathology at Flinders University. She is also a proud member of Speech Pathology Australia, ensuring she stays up to date with the latest research and best practices in speech therapy. This is a testament to her commitment to continual learning and professional development.

Helen has also accomplished several esteemed certifications, including training under the ‘What’s the Buzz’ programme by Mark Le Messurier, which focuses on developing social skills in children. As an Autism SA Accredited ASD Diagnostician, Helen is adept at identifying and supporting children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She has completed a Level 1 Training in the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). This enables her to incorporate visual aids into therapy sessions, helping children who struggle with verbal communication to effectively express themselves.​

Furthermore, Helen has attended the Key Word Sign Basic Workshop by Novita Children's Services. This training supports her in teaching children how to use keyword signs as an additional communication tool. Together, these qualifications make Helen adept and adaptable as a speech pathologist, and highlights her commitment and dedication to providing your child with evidence-based, individualised support.​

• Masters of Education - Special Education​

• Bachelor of Science - Exercise and Sports Science​

• Certificate of Kids Yoga Teacher Training - 50 hours​

• Certificate of DIR and DIRFloortime​

• Certificate III in Business Administration​

Enhancing Communication Skills in Children

Helen adopts a family-centred approach, focusing on the individual needs and capabilities of each child she works with. Recognising that every child's communication journey is unique, she designs personalised therapy plans that are both engaging and effective. Helen's strategy begins with a comprehensive assessment to fully understand a child's communication strengths and weaknesses. Her holistic understanding enables her to develop tailored solutions that target specific areas of improvement while capitalising on the child's existing strengths.

During Helen's sessions, she incorporates a variety of therapeutic techniques and fun activities to make the learning process engaging and enjoyable. From interactive games and story-telling to role-play and visual aids, she ensures these activities are age-appropriate and cater to your child's interests and learning style.

She utilises AAC methods when necessary, such as picture communication symbols, sign language, or speech-generating devices. These tools provide alternative ways for children who find verbal communication challenging; offering them with the means to express their thoughts and feelings effectively.

Importantly, Helen's work goes beyond the therapy sessions. She believes in the power of consistent practice and reinforcement; with family involvement in therapy plans. She works closely with parents and caregivers, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to support their child's communication development in everyday situations.

Helen's aim is not just to enhance the communication skills of children, but to also empower them with the confidence to use these skills independently. This holistic, compassionate approach is what sets Helen apart and truly helps children 'find their voice'. Helen's aim is not just to enhance the communication skills of children, but to also empower them with the confidence to use these skills independently. This holistic, compassionate approach is what sets Helen apart and truly helps children 'find their voice'.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a term that encompasses all communication methods used to supplement or replace speech or writing for individuals with impairments in producing or comprehending spoken or written language. This can include anything from facial expressions and gestures to more advanced technological systems.

AAC is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it is a personalised approach that can be adapted to your child's needs. It can involve no technology at all (as with signing or gesturing), low-technology solutions (such as picture boards or communication books), or high-technology tools (like voice output communication aids/pods).

AAC empowers those who have difficulties with traditional language modes to effectively express their thoughts, desires, and needs. By providing an avenue for complex communication, AAC can significantly improve the quality of life for children and adults with communication struggles, fostering greater independence and participation in all aspects of life.

Helen's Expertise in AAC

Helen's approach to AAC is as individualised as the child she's supporting. Understanding that every child is unique, she takes time to figure out what AAC method would be most effective for your child. It could involve simple gestures or sign language, picture boards, or high-technology tools such as speech-generating devices. Her focus is always on finding the most functional and natural method of communication for each child, ensuring that it aligns with their abilities, needs, and daily life.​

Helen introduces these alternative communication methods in a way that is engaging and understandable for your child. She employs a variety of interactive activities and games that not only teach your child to use these tools but also to enjoy the process of communication.​

Helen's support doesn't stop in the therapy room; recognising the value of practice and reinforcement in everyday contexts, she provides parents and caregivers with the necessary knowledge and resources to continue the use of AAC at home. She offers guidance on how to integrate AAC tools into your child's daily routines, encouraging consistent practice and gradual improvement. This also enables your child to associate communication with their normal life, not just therapy.​

Helen's use of AAC is not just about teaching your child how to communicate - it is about giving them the tools and confidence to express themselves, build relationships, and engage with the world around them.

Helen's Unwavering Commitment to Your Child's Progress

Helen's dedication to aiding your child in discovering their voice is unwavering. Her commitment is marked by a deep-seated passion for helping children overcome their communication challenges to unleash their full potential. ​

She takes the time to understand your child's communication weaknesses and their unique strengths as well. This helps her to tailor her approach so they can learn in a way that is most natural and comfortable to them. Each therapy session, each interaction, and each moment spent with your child, is a testament to Helen's dedication to empowering your child with the ability to articulate their thoughts, emotions, and needs effectively with you and the world. ​

Take the First Step in Your Child's Communication Journey

By completing the form below, you're expressing interest in working with Helen and unlocking a world of possibilities for your child. Filling out the form is simple and obligation-free. We'd love for you to share your child's unique challenges and strengths, as well as your hopes for their communication development.

Once the form is completed, we will personally reach out to discuss the next steps and answer any queries you may have. Your child's journey to finding their voice is just a form away. We are excited to join you on this journey to enhanced communication and look forward to working with you and your child.

She takes the time to understand your child's communication weaknesses and their unique strengths as well. This helps her to tailor her approach so they can learn in a way that is most natural and comfortable to them. Each therapy session, each interaction, and each moment spent with your child, is a testament to Helen's dedication to empowering your child with the ability to articulate their thoughts, emotions, and needs effectively with you and the world.