8 Senses Therapy Resources for Parents, Caregivers, Educators, and Therapists

Helpful Resources

Expert Guidance for Families & Educators

We have compiled a range of information to help you manage sensory difficulties or behavioural challenges. If you’re looking for tailored advice, proven strategies, or family-centred therapy, our team is here to help. Contact us today and take the first step toward a brighter future for your child!

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Device

AAC Devices

An Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Explore the functionalities and benefits of AAC devices, common misconceptions, and the importance of promoting effective communication among children.

Sensory Beach Day

Make the Most of Playtime

Tips for Parents & Caregivers

Playtime is vital in shaping your child’s mind and nurturing their creativity. For neurodiverse children play is particularly important as it helps them develop essential social, emotional, and cognitive skills.

Occupational Therapists for Children in Adelaide


Does Your Child Have Boundless Energy
and a Fascination with Physical Play?

If your child seems to thrive on jumping, bumping, and crashing into things, they may be seeking proprioceptive input—a crucial aspect of their sensory development.

Preventing Meltdowns

Tips for Parents, Caregivers, & Educators

Meltdowns are often triggered by emotions or situations that children find overwhelming. Preventing meltdowns can be challenging but, by understanding the cues and underlying triggers, parents and teachers can use strategies to mitigate them.

Speech Pathology services in Adelaide - Children and Young Adults

Speech Pathology

Helping Your Child Find Their Voice

Communication is an essential pillar in your child’s development. It’s the cornerstone of how they express their needs, share their thoughts, and interact with the people and world around them.

Telehealth Session - Occupational Therapy with a child at home


Occupational Therapy At Home

We understand the challenge of balancing your children’s needs, school, work, and the long travel times for therapy appointments. Our new Telehealth service aims to make occupational therapy easily accessible – wherever you may be!

Occupational Therapy sessions at 8 Senses Therapy focuses on basic life skills, such as self-care and feeding - family-centred.

Emotional Regulation

A Guide for Parents & Caregivers

Emotional regulation is a crucial skill that children learn and develop over time, enabling them to manage, cope, and respond to emotional experiences appropriately.

Supporting your child with autism through family-centred occupational therapy and speech pathology. Children and Young Adults Early Intervention in Adelaide

Navigate Life On The Spectrum

Advice from Supermum, Cassie

Hear from Cassie, who has first-hand experience in supporting her autistic son, Ashy. Their inspiring story provides valuable insights into the benefits of family-centred therapy.

Professional Supervision for OTs (Occupational Therapists) in Adelaide

OT Professional Supervision

Elevate Your Career as an Occupational Therapist

Whether you’re a new graduate or an experienced therapist, we are there to help you grow as an OT and take your career to new heights.

Age Appropriate Chores

Raising Independent & Capable Children

Raising your child to be independent and capable is one of the most important tasks for any parent. Teaching your child to take on responsibility in their lives from a young age will help them develop into confident, successful adults.

The Classroom Conundrum

Strategies for Teachers to Implement

Educators must be mindful of over-stimulation in our learning spaces. Studies have shown that sparsely decorated classrooms can lead to a 13% increase in children’s test accuracy, along with a 10% reduction in distractions.

The Hidden Sixth Sense

A Guide for Parents & Caregivers

Proprioception plays a pivotal role in a child’s development, giving them a sense of their body’s position and movement. It impacts crucial areas like their ability to focus, self-regulate, speak clearly, and maintain good posture.

Sensory vs Behavioural

Understand the Difference

Understanding the difference between Sensory Processing Difficulties (SPD) and behavioural issues in children can contribute to effective parenting, caregiving, and education.

Sensory Processing Difficulties

Understanding SPD in Children & How it Impacts Their Adult Life

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is not caused due to illness or injury. It is a condition that exists from early childhood and, if left unaddressed, it can lead to a variety of problems.

Managing Screen Time

What Parents Need to Know

In today’s world, it’s almost impossible for children to avoid digital devices. Parents are now faced with the difficult challenge of ensuring their child spends the appropriate amount of time on these devices.

Professional Supervision

For New Graduate & Experienced OTs

Professional Supervision is an important part of a career in occupational therapy. It helps both inexperienced and experienced therapists develop necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to provide the highest-quality care possible.

Become Your Child's Superhero

An Occupational Therapist's Guide for Parents

As a parent, you can be your child’s superhero by supporting their development in meaningful ways. We will provide you with eight proven strategies that can be used to support your child at home.

Building Strong Social Skills

A Practical Guide For Parents

As parents, one of the most important things we can do for our children is to help them develop strong social skills. This will assist them in making friends, building relationships, and is essential for their confidence, self-esteem, happiness, and well-being.

Visual Supports

The Benefits of Visual Supports

Visual supports, such as picture schedules, cue cards, and visual timers, can significantly aid neurodiverse children. These tools help in understanding routines, transitioning between activities, and providing clear, visual instructions.

Simple Online Form for Therapy Services in Adelaide

Simple Contact Form

Fill out one of our contact forms and our admin team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

8 Senses Therapy Logo - White

Helpful Resources

Expert Guidance for Families & Educators

We have compiled a range of information to help you manage sensory difficulties or behavioural challenges. If you’re looking for tailored advice, proven strategies, or family-centred therapy, our team is here to help. Contact us today and take the first step toward a brighter future for your child!

Speech Pathology services in Adelaide - Children and Young Adults

AAC Devices

An Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Explore the functionalities and benefits of AAC devices, common misconceptions, and the importance of promoting effective communication among children.

Sensory Beach Day

Make the Most of Playtime

Tips for Parents & Caregivers

Playtime is vital in shaping your child’s mind and nurturing their creativity. For neurodiverse children play is particularly important as it helps them develop essential social, emotional, and cognitive skills.

Occupational Therapists for Children in Adelaide


Does Your Child Have Boundless Energy and a Fascination with Physical Play?

If your child seems to thrive on jumping, bumping, and crashing into things, they may be seeking proprioceptive input—a crucial aspect of their sensory development.

Preventing Meltdowns

Tips for Parents, Caregivers, & Educators

Meltdowns are often triggered by emotions or situations that children find overwhelming. Preventing meltdowns can be challenging but, by understanding the cues and underlying triggers, parents and teachers can use strategies to mitigate them.

Speech Pathology services in Adelaide - Children and Young Adults

Speech Pathology

Helping Your Child Find Their Voice

Communication is an essential pillar in your child’s development. It’s the cornerstone of how they express their needs, share their thoughts, and interact with the people and world around them.

Telehealth Session - Occupational Therapy with a child at home


Occupational Therapy At Home

We understand the challenge of balancing your children’s needs, school, work, and the long travel times for therapy appointments. Our new Telehealth service aims to make occupational therapy easily accessible – wherever you may be!

Occupational Therapy sessions at 8 Senses Therapy focuses on basic life skills, such as self-care and feeding - family-centred.

Emotional Regulation

A Guide for Parents & Caregivers

Emotional regulation is a crucial skill that children learn and develop over time, enabling them to manage, cope, and respond to emotional experiences appropriately.

Supporting your child with autism through family-centred occupational therapy and speech pathology. Children and Young Adults Early Intervention in Adelaide

Life On The Spectrum

Advice from Supermum, Cassie

Hear from Cassie, who has first-hand experience in supporting her autistic son, Ashy. Their inspiring story provides valuable insights into the benefits of family-centred therapy.

OT Professional Supervision

Elevate Your Career as an Occupational Therapist

Whether you’re a new graduate or an experienced therapist, we are there to help you grow as an OT and take your career to new heights.

Age Appropriate Chores

Raising Independent & Capable Children

Raising your child to be independent and capable is one of the most important tasks for any parent. Teaching your child to take on responsibility in their lives from a young age will help them develop into confident, successful adults.

The Classroom Conundrum

Strategies for Teachers to Implement

Educators must be mindful of over-stimulation in our learning spaces. Studies have shown that sparsely decorated classrooms can lead to a 13% increase in children’s test accuracy, along with a 10% reduction in distractions.

The Hidden Sixth Sense

A Guide for Parents & Caregivers

Proprioception plays a pivotal role in a child’s development, giving them a sense of their body’s position and movement. It impacts crucial areas like their ability to focus, self-regulate, speak clearly, and maintain good posture.

Sensory vs Behavioural

A Guide for Parents & Caregivers

Understanding the difference between Sensory Processing Difficulties (SPD) and behavioural issues in children can contribute to effective parenting, caregiving, and education.

Sensory Processing Difficulties

Understanding SPD in Children

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is not caused due to illness or injury. It is a condition that exists from early childhood and, if left unaddressed, it can lead to a variety of problems.

Managing Screen Time

What Parents Need to Know

In today’s world, it’s almost impossible for children to avoid digital devices. Parents are now faced with the difficult challenge of ensuring their child spends the appropriate amount of time on these devices.

Professional Supervision

For New Graduate & Experienced OTs

Professional Supervision is an important part of a career in occupational therapy. It helps both inexperienced and experienced therapists develop necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to provide the highest-quality care possible.

Become Your Child's Superhero

An Occupational Therapist's Guide for Parents

As a parent, you can be your child’s superhero by supporting their development in meaningful ways. We will provide you with eight proven strategies that can be used to support your child at home.

Building Strong Social Skills

A Practical Guide For Parents

As parents, one of the most important things we can do for our children is to help them develop strong social skills. This will assist them in making friends, building relationships, and is essential for their confidence, self-esteem, happiness, and well-being.

Visual Supports

A Practical Guide For Parents

Visual supports, such as picture schedules, cue cards, and visual timers, can significantly aid neurodiverse children. These tools help in understanding routines, transitioning between activities, and providing clear, visual instructions.

Simple Online Form for Therapy Services in Adelaide

Online Form

Fill out one of our simple online contact forms and our admin team will get in touch with you as soon as possible!

8 Senses Therapy Logo - White

Helpful Resources

For Families & Educators

We have compiled a range of information to help you manage sensory difficulties or behavioural challenges. If you’re looking for tailored advice, proven strategies, or family-centred therapy, our team is here to help. Contact us and take the first step toward a brighter future for your child!

Speech Pathology services in Adelaide - Children and Young Adults

An Introduction to AAC

Augmentative and Alternative
Communication (AAC)

Explore the functionalities and benefits of AAC devices, common misconceptions, and the importance of promoting effective communication among children.

Sensory Beach Day

Make the Most
of Playtime

Tips for Parents & Caregivers

Playtime is vital in shaping your child’s mind and nurturing their creativity. For neurodiverse children play is particularly important as it helps them develop essential social, emotional, and cognitive skills.

Occupational Therapists for Children in Adelaide

My Child Loves to Jump, Bump, & Crash!

Understanding Proprioception

If your child seems to thrive on jumping, bumping, and crashing into things, they may be seeking proprioceptive input—a crucial aspect of their sensory development.

Preventing Meltdowns

Expert Advice for Parents,
Caregivers, & Educators

Meltdowns are often triggered by emotions or situations that children find overwhelming. Preventing meltdowns can be challenging but, by understanding the cues and underlying triggers, parents and teachers can use strategies to mitigate them.

Speech Pathology services in Adelaide - Children and Young Adults

Speech Pathology

Helping Your Child
to Find Their Voice

Communication is an essential pillar in your child’s development. It’s the cornerstone of how they express their needs, share their thoughts, and interact with the people and world around them.

Telehealth Session - Occupational Therapy with a child at home

OT Telehealth

Occupational Therapy At Home

We understand the challenge of balancing your children’s needs, school, work, and the long travel times for therapy appointments. Our new Telehealth service aims to make occupational therapy easily accessible – wherever you may be!

Occupational Therapy sessions at 8 Senses Therapy focuses on basic life skills, such as self-care and feeding - family-centred.

Emotional Regulation

A Guide for Parents & Caregivers

Emotional regulation is a crucial skill that children learn and develop over time, enabling them to manage, cope, and respond to emotional experiences appropriately.

Supporting your child with autism through family-centred occupational therapy and speech pathology. Children and Young Adults Early Intervention in Adelaide

Navigating Life On
The Spectrum

Advice from Supermum, Cassie

Hear from Cassie, who has first-hand experience in supporting her autistic son, Ashy. Their inspiring story provides valuable insights into the benefits of family-centred therapy.

Professional Supervision for OTs (Occupational Therapists) in Adelaide

Professional Supervision

Elevate Your Career as an Occupational Therapist

Whether you’re a new graduate or an experienced therapist, we are there to help you grow as an OT and take your career to new heights.

Age Appropriate Chores

How to Raise Independent
& Capable Children

Raising your child to be independent and capable is one of the most important tasks for any parent. Teaching your child to take on responsibility in their lives from a young age will help them develop into confident, successful adults.

Classroom Conundrum

Strategies for Teachers to
Implement in the Classroom

Educators must be mindful of over-stimulation in our learning spaces. Studies have shown that sparsely decorated classrooms can lead to a 13% increase in children’s test accuracy, along with a 10% reduction in distractions.

The Hidden Sixth Sense

A Guide for Parents & Caregivers

Proprioception plays a pivotal role in a child’s development, giving them a sense of their body’s position and movement. It impacts crucial areas like their ability to focus, self-regulate, speak clearly, and maintain good posture.

Sensory vs Behavioural

Understand the Difference

Understanding the difference between Sensory Processing Difficulties (SPD) and behavioural issues in children can contribute to effective parenting, caregiving, and education.

Sensory Processing
Difficulties (SPD)

SPD in Children

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is not caused due to illness or injury. It is a condition that exists from early childhood and, if left unaddressed, it can lead to a variety of problems.

Managing Screen Time

What Parents Need to Know

In today’s world, it’s almost impossible for children to avoid digital devices. Parents are now faced with the difficult challenge of ensuring their child spends the appropriate amount of time on these devices.

Professional Supervision

For New Graduate &
Experienced OTs

Professional Supervision is an important part of a career in occupational therapy. It helps both inexperienced and experienced therapists develop necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to provide the highest-quality care possible.

Become a Superhero

An OT's Guide for Parents

As a parent, you can be your child’s superhero by supporting their development in meaningful ways. We will provide you with eight proven strategies that can be used to support your child at home.

Social Skills

A Practical Guide For Parents

As parents, one of the most important things we can do for our children is to help them develop strong social skills. This will assist them in making friends, building relationships, and is essential for their confidence, self-esteem, happiness, and well-being.

Visual Supports

A Practical Guide For Parents

Visual supports, such as picture schedules, cue cards, and visual timers, can significantly aid neurodiverse children. These tools help in understanding routines, transitioning between activities, and providing clear, visual instructions.